
puzzle pieces

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Signing for my First Half Ironman

It's Saturday.
I have lots to do but I also am trying to settle on a race schedule for next year.
My Bucket List and Goal Sheet sit staring at me daily.

My next contemplation lies here.....


Hope you all Have a Wonderful Weekend...
(and I heard many of you are getting snow~~
even before I have had even a snowflake 
up here in the north!:)


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm doing well with my running but I'm having a terrible time getting myself to commit to races. Not sure what's going on.

You can do it! :-)

Deb said...

so proud of you Dawn...have a great weekend....

Judy said...

Wow, good for you Dawn! We haven't had any snow here either and I'm just fine with that :)

chloë. said...

holymoses. you are wonder woman.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Hi Dawn,

Well done to you on getting a race schedule sorted. I admire your energy!

No snow in Ireland yet but it is expected soon,
I love snow if I don't have to venture outside of the house but
if I have to drive..........


Have a good weekend.

Fiona x

Jack said...

I admire your strength and courage and fitness. Good luck.

Yes, we are getting snow today. Most trees still have their leaves, and it is a wet, sticky snow, the perfect formula to lose trees and power lines. So far, only one inch has fallen, but it is steady and predicted to continue until tomorrow morning. The power is on (just flickered!), but I don't see how we can keep it . . .

Buttons Thoughts said...

Congrats. Yes I hear the Great White North is not the great white North right now. Hope everyone enjoys their snow and don't worry I am sure you will be laughing at Dawn and I soon enough.
Heading over to the other link. Take care great photo. B

Anonymous said...

Hey, no snow here either - just a whole lot of heat and thunder and lightning ... You have a good weekend now too...

Pat Tillett said...

No snow here, very pleasant! Just the way I like it. VERY nice photo!
You sure are motivated and I admire that a lot.

Saun said...

No snow here, sunshine and cool temps. Great shot :)

carmilevy said...

There's inspiration in your every word and image, Dawn. Every time I lace up my shoes and head into the cold (ah Canada, how I love ya!) I think of you and all the other folks who I've never met, but still feel connected to through our words and actions.

Crazy community we've got here, eh?

Rosaria Williams said...

Stay strong!

Farm Girl said...

Wow you are something else. I hope you don't get snow yet.
It seemed like it stayed and stayed at your house this year. I still laugh at the deer in the back yard.
I hope you have a great weekend too.

Rick said...

A beautiful last shot (?) of autumn ! No snow yet ?? Something's wrong ;-)

Bev said...

So they let WOmen do Iron MaN?? lol
Well good for you! xo

Alan said...

Darn! Better cancel my ski trip. Come on Canada, pull it together..:-)

Hilary said...

That's darned impressive, Dawn.

Changes in the wind said...

I have to tell you that I do not understand runners..but I admire them:)

Out on the prairie said...

Around that next turn is a major challenge. You are scaling up the ladder well, many in this are looking at running careers.Lots of support from around your world.

Cat said...


love and light

Randy said...

You are just amazing and so is this photograph. I hope your Sunday is a peaceful one! Enjoy.

Randy said...

You are just amazing and so is this photograph. I hope your Sunday is a peaceful one! Enjoy.

Clint said...

Very proud of ya! I'm so impressed by your commitment.

Weather here in Tennessee is just spectacular. Most days are clear---cool in the AM and mild during the day.

Zuly said...

Hi Dawn:
Happy start of week ... here in my country do not have snow ... but lots of rain.
Good luck for your next race!
Greetings from Costa Rica,
Zuly Castillo U.

darlin said...

Dawn this is a wonderful shot! None of that four letter word here as of yet; actually the sky was a beautiful shade of blue today, the sun was shining and not a cloud was to be found.

Have a great week and try not to overdue it with your schedule... that's like telling me not to take 7 courses in one semester! lol

Anonymous said...

Way to go!

Love the lemony feeling of the leaves in your shot.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Yep, we got snow down here. :) I'm sure whatever goals you set for yourself, you will no doubt reach!

Carole Barkett said...

Isn't it awesome to cross something off your list

Tim said...

Great photo!