
puzzle pieces

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hypothermic Half ~

Yesterday I ran the Hypothermic Half marathon.
The name sounds worse than the run.
It was a beautiful, snowy day...perfect temperature for running (-5C) and no wind.
(Remember last year's first 13.1mile run? My First Half)
Well this one wasn't so analyzed or lamented over.
I just showed up and ran... for the most part.

My 4 kiddos drove in and waited for me at the Finish Line:

And I got a real pretty medal:
(As did everyone who crossed the finish line;)

Goal time wasn't met...but I'm letting myself off due to the snow covered trail route...where it seems everyone had trouble getting their footing.

And remember when I said I thought people were insane to run 42km?
Well my first 42k is scheduled for May. 
Second one is August.

Kind of funny how time changes your mind on a matter isn't it?


TexWisGirl said...

go get 'em, girlie! you are awesome! :) your kids are so tall!!! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm impressed that you even set a goal time! I'm too chicken - afraid I'll disappoint myself. I LOVE that medal - very unique! Congrats on a race well run :-)

Out on the prairie said...

Congrats on the race, there is one here going through a terrible obstacle course on top of the run a few at my work are doing.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I truly love insane people like you:)
Your kids are awesome supporting their fantastic Mom like that.
Yeah Dawn keep up the good work.
Follow your dream. B

Buttons Thoughts said...

Dawn I go in the first couple weeks of April. B

Horst in Edmonton said...

Good for you, looks like the kids are rooting for their Mom. Right on. Glad you Finnish and had a good time.

Leah J. Utas said...

Good for you. Grow, change, it's all good.

Sage said...

A job well done!!!

Lowell said...

Well, I'm impressed! You must be in great shape! 42k! I can't imagine that. I don't even like to drive that far in a car!

Looking good. Cute kids. Nice to have all that support. And nice to hear from you!

Our new website is up and running and you can check out our blogs on that site as that's where we'll be posting from now on.

Take a look:


A Prelude To... said...

LOVE that medal!! SO pretty! Good job, girl :-)

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Way to go! You put me to shame on the days I run on the treadmill cuz its cold outside. It hasn't even snowed here yet!

Rambling said...

Good going! I'm sure it was hard to run in the snow. PS Your kids are adorable ...

Diane AZ said...

Wow, good for you and it sounds like it was fun!

penny said...

How nice that your adorable kiddos met you at the finish line to celebrate your victory finish.
Your remarkable, Dawn
cheers :)

Judy said...

Just crossing the finish line would be goal enough for me...Great Job!!!

mountain mama said...

i don't care how much time passes...i will always think one has to be insane to run in the snow. in -5 temps.

congrats, good for you!!! :)

Michelle said...

Holy Cow! I cannot imagine running in that temp! You go girl!

Deb said...

you are awesome Dawn....love seeing your kiddos...

Jack said...

Congratulations, Dawn. You earned a very nice ribbon and medal.

Val said...

You are amazing, you truly are!!!

Val said...

You are amazing, you truly are!!!

Randy said...


Liesl said...

Awesome stuff Dawn. Your kids are beautiful and so tall!

Allison said...

Good job! Come run the alps, Dawn!!

Changes in the wind said...

Good thing you had a number on your chest.......you look like one of the kids:) Must be all that running....congrats

Nancy said...

So great to see you making your goals and dreams a reality. :)

LadyFi said...


Jo said...

Girl, you rock so hard. I love it! I'm having a hard time taking my puppy for a walk in the cold and here you are running a half marathon in it! Hugs to you. :)

Farm Girl said...

Wow you are amazing. I love the picture with your kids and you. That is a good one to frame. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you, Dawn! You are very inspiring to me!

Carole Barkett said...

You are a brave lady and those kiddos are almost as tall as you :O)

Bev said...

Love that medal!!

Full-On-Forward said...

YOU and Your FAMILY are AWESOME-- I ran 42km once--over a ten year period! LOL


Aimee said...

Aww..that picture of you and your family is awesome!
LOVE that medal!!

Yay for a 42K! I'm doing my first 50k in June...yikes!!

Alan said...

I've finally worked out why you're training so hard. You're going to become a modern-day Forrest Gump so you never have to get on a plane again:-)

Well done. Pretty medal!

Ransick said...

Really cool medal Dawn. Congrats on a great race! Love the pic with your kids too. It's nice they come out to cheer you on even in the cold.

Unknown said...

Great going!

Tim said...

Looks like you have a great family! Sounds cold to be running!