
puzzle pieces

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

thought in quote

"I find it almost comical to the degree which people leave you alone when you're already there. Whether it's because you don't do what they think you should, or because they don't know what to say...you are lonelier then ever because of it. 
And so...you stand alone, and hope that the left alone part will turn you into someone stronger."

~author unknown


Lynette Jacobs said...

Wow..such a profound quote.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice thought. I savor my time alone, but need to be around others for comfort at times.Living in a small town is nice since we all recognize each other often with a smile, wave or greeting without knowing a name.

bon bon said...

this quote is just as intriguing as your image...
i hope your new year is equally as beautiful, dawn!

Bev said...

Interesting quote... sad the author didn't know the ONE who never leaves nor forsakes us....C.S. Lewis said "If you think of this world as a place intended simply for our own happiness, you find it quite intolerable, think of it as a place of training and correction and its not so bad."

Dawn said...

But I also think that we were put on this earth for Relationship....as Christ did when He walked this earth. Carrying one anothers burdens....

Dawn said...

You too!! I have been trying to get on your blog but to no avail! Happy New year ahead!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I truly LOVE that quote and your photo is inspiring. Happy New Year my friend. Hug B

Deb said...

I think we were made to seek companionship...being alone is okay...for a while...but being lonely is never good...

Patrice said...

Alone is NO FUN- unless you're a mommy and you want ten minutes alone. I don't know a mother who wouldn't agree with that.:)

Michelle said...

Quiet/alone time is how I recharge! I need a bit of it each evening!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I never thought of lonely like this before.....but I find it true

Unknown said...

By our very nature, we are meant to find connectedness to one another. So often, loneliness and solitary existence is brought about by how fast our culture is blowing through each day and week. this was a very good post, Dawn. Wishing you a Happy New Year with all good things! :)

sage said...

I need alone time, but it is depression when I need connection with people and can't find it. By the way, that picture makes me want to find a way around the gate and get out onto the end of the pier! Have a wonderful New Year, Dawn.

Rae Walter said...

Interesting quote for reflection Dawn.