
puzzle pieces

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

in its time....

~What Was~

~What Is~

~What Is to Come~

~There are times in my life I wish I could be in an 
altogether different place.

But it seems to me that you can't get to where you want to be...

 without experiencing the other place first.~

~All places can be beautiful in their time.~

(Thank you all so much for your encouraging words before my races this past weekend. I have to say both the Aquathlon and Triathlon were a learning experience....more of a mental battle than a physical one. 
I completed both....not with times I like, but I crossed the finish lines. 
And for that ~I'm happy:)


Anonymous said...

words of truth
love that

love and light to you friend

TexWisGirl said...

girlie, we're all learning life's lessons along the way. too bad sometimes the road is harder and longer than we'd like!

Gail said...

Wonderful words and crossing the finish line does count.

mountain mama said...


Carole Barkett said...

beautiful thoughts and photos

Debbie said...

you inspire me....i think finishing is EVERYTHING!!!!

Jack said...

Congratulations, Wonder Woman.

Jo said...

Dawn, you always have such thoughtful and beautiful posts. These photos are gorgeous. You are such an inspiration to so many people in more ways than one.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love the beautiful photos of the flower! Words of wisdom, I agree

Discovery Street said...

if there was a real life super woman...i think it would be you!

Deb said...

great post Dawn....

Ransick said...

Congrats on your races! I hear ya about not being where you want to be. The other tough thing is that you do so many adventurous things (kayaking in a flash flood, triathlons, night races, it goes on and on....), the daily grind seems more of a grind sometimes.

Oh and if I ever do a full IM, I'll probably get the tat too :-).

Slamdunk said...

Congrats on battling and finishing Dawn.

Samantha said...

Finishing anything with "thon" is amazing to me!!! Go, you!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Congrats on finishing the races. This post was brilliant.

Bev said...

Gorgeous pictures beautiful thoughts.. and you had the courage to enter the race...that was the main thing!

Hilary said...

Wonderful post, Dawn. Congrats in your races.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Congratulations on your physical challenges. I did one Triathlon many years ago and finish last !

Brian King said...

Congratulations on your races, Dawn! That's fantastic! Your photos are very clever. Love how they all come from a single shot!

darlin said...

Dawn I knew you had what it took to cross that finish line, way to go!

The post is fantastic, you're so creative with your shots and thoughts.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Dawn I love your words and photos. You have the feelings all of us have had at one time or another.
I am so inspired by your determination and drive you are a woman to be admired. Congrats on the finish, the times are not as important as long as you had a good time and did your best.
Thank you for always sharing these posts. B

Lynette Jacobs said...

Great to hear that all went well with your Aquathlon and Triathlon.

Changes in the wind said...

Wonderful post today.....

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've totally been wondering how your races went!

Out on the prairie said...

I have thought of your races all week, I saw a friend yesterday and she takes her bike everywhere to be able to fit in her work and training.She liked that you were doing two in a week.

Reena said...

Well said ... great post, Dawn!
And congrats on your success. Such commitment and devotion to do what you have accomplish!

Farm Girl said...

I have had those same thoughts this week, only not as profound as you think them.
Just lovely thoughts though when you think them.

LBB said...

Congrats Dawn! Your such an inspiration :D

Judy said...

Congratulations on finishing them...That is much more than I could have done.

wayne15575 said...

I couldn't have said it better...Thanks Dawn

Anonymous said...

Aha, so a biathlon and triathlon? Well done...

Kat said...

Congrats on finishing!

I love reading your posts. Such wisdom!

Tim said...

Beautiful thoughts! And congratulations on completing your races!

Allison said...

Nice post, Dawn. Such good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Well said at last! Loved these snaps :)

UIFPW08 said...

Nice flowers photos

Saz said...

What lovely photo's. And so true. (: