
puzzle pieces

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fall Photo....Finish

It seems that our lovely Fall we have enjoyed, has decided to come to an end.
I awoke this morning to wind, snow, ice,
and sported a head of frozen hair after I left the pool this morning.

And so it begins.

I promise I will not complain.
I will do my utmost to be loyal to my prairie province and Canadian country.
I solemnly vow I will tackle the white with  grace and as much "positivity" as I can muster.
And I will continue to be thankful for the ability to enjoy each season as it comes.....-40 Celsius and all.

(and someone out there HAS to promise to remind me of this vow I am making:)

~Have a wonderful weekend~


Anne said...

Gorgeous photos! A lot of wind and rain over here...no snow as of yet! Have a lovely weekend:)

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous images, dawn! that last one is fabulous!!! soak in those last rays of fall sun and color and hold 'em tight. :)

Rosaria Williams said...

Stunning! It all makes me fall in love with Fall.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

I love your photos Dawn,
sorry to hear that your lovely fall season has ended and that the dreaded white stuff has arrived.

I hope it won't be too bad of a winter for you all.

Thinking of snow, I think I had better start investing in some warm woollies, hats, scarves and snow boots.

Take care and mind that ice!


Anonymous said...

Loe how the mushroom appears to be wearing a lacy little skirt. Very cute!

Hilary said...

Gorgeous photos, Dawn. I love that mushroom. And hey, you're Canadian. We're allowed to grumble about the weather now and again. ;)

Carole Barkett said...

My heart goes out to you, we couldn't take one more winter, that's why we moved here but I still remember how it feels

Bev said...

Beautiful!...so much nicer...than brown sand......

Farm Girl said...

Well the pictures are so beautiful. It is okay you always come up with great things when you complain so it never seems like complaining. :) It sounds like you are just profound thinker. In fact I can't even think of one single time you complained last year. You just pick up your skis and move on. :)

Kenley said...

No real snow here yet, but I really don't like Fall, Winter or Spring. I wish it was Summer all year long. lol. But it is pretty during those other months.

trump said...

We are now at peek fall color's over my way, and i love what you do with a camera. Richard

MDScaper said...

It takes a hardy soul to brave your winters Dawn. I think that as long as you have winter activities that you enjoy it's more tolerable. Fortunately my winters are more moderate and I can cycle almost year round if I am brave enough to bike in freezing temperatures...and I am!

spindrift,maine said...

I know just what you mean, Dawn. We have remnants of October snow, and today a biting wind. Your mushroom photos are beautiful. I've only seen this kind in drawings. Do you know its name? Hey, here's a poem for you by Oliver Herford:
I heard a bird sing in the dark of December--
A magical thing, and sweet to remember.
We are nearer to spring than we were in September,
I heard a bird sing in the dark of December.

That thought always helps me. ;o)

Clint said...

Nice photos, indeed. Hang in there with those positive thoughts!

Rambling said...

Oh but it's SO beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh! These photos are just gorgeous!

Jack said...

Beautiful photographs, Dawn. You are right. Take what nature gives you, and when she knocks you down, pick yourself, dust yourself off, and keep going.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have a beautiful photo finish...I agree that I will not complain about our chilly temps.

Hi Kooky said...

Beautiful photos indeed. We've still got Fall, but I'm psyching myself up for the cold gray winter months ahead.

Buttons Thoughts said...

OK I tell you what we will remind each other. Why do we live in the great white North anyway? Oh yeah for your beautiful fall photos.
I was on the beach today a little cool not bikini weather but no white stuff yet. I am ready, well maybe. B

Debbie said...

oooohhhhh that last image dawn, that's really special!!

what is the odd red structure, is that a barn??

Michelle said...

Beautiful photos. I love that little mushroom.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

A very good ending, my friend.
Have a wonderful weekend ...

Ransick said...

Great pics Dawn! The last one really says good bye fall :-(. Hope the winter won't be too bad. BTW, -40C = -40F in case any of your US friends wonder how cold -40C is.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Goodbye fall!!! You gave it a good send off with your photos. :)

Country Girl said...

Beautiful photos here. Is that a shaggy mane mushroom?

Changes in the wind said...

I think these photo's are just beautiful and maybe you should put them around your house to remind you that change will come when your deep in that snow:)

darlin said...

Fantastic photos Dawn! It's hard to believe you got snow before we did, not that I want it here, generally we seem most every year to get it before our southern neighbors. Lets jump on that plane and go visit you Mom! lol Have a fantastic weekend!

Jeff said...

Absolutely stunning photos! Last night I had the first fire in the hearth for the season, as the temperature dropped to about -4 C

mountain mama said...

love, love the pics.

so...watermelons in the fall? :)

Tracy said...

UGH..sorry Dawn, I will do my best to remind you but I am glad it's not winter here yet...

Alisa Noble said...

Your photos are gorgeous, Dawn!
Good luck with winter. ;)

Rick said...

Awesome finish-to-fall photos, Dawn ! Love the light in that last one, and you have a rare one there with the elevator - they're a dying species !

I'll try to remind you about your promise, from Florida ;-)

Brian King said...

Gorgeous photos, Dawn! The colors are fantastic! The light coming into that last one is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Wow - you've really captured the splendour of autumn! Gorgeous.

Lynette Jacobs said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos...I will think of you when the cold comes;-)

Samantha said...

WOW, Dawn..these are lovely!!!

Alan said...

I remember my first visit to Banff, swimming in an outdoor pool in January and marvelling as my head would crackle whenever I raised it above the hot water. Great set of photos to see out the season. Hope you're well..

Unknown said...

I'd like to help but we may be in misery together on this side of the border. : )

LOVELY images!

heather said...

those mushrooms are so cute! and i love that last image. do you keep swimming in -40 C??? you are pretty amazing! winters were really difficult in patagonia, which is why we always went traveling and following the sun, but they were never that cold. that makes outdoor exercise near impossible, no?

Hope said...

wow! beautiful!

Hope said...

wow! beautiful!

Val said...


Tim said...

Beautiful fall photos! Love the color.

trump said...

Love those images as always, and greetings to you our friend to the north. Richard

Randy said...

These are amazing photos. That last one just makes me smile.

Nancy said...

Gorgeous gold -- :)