
puzzle pieces

Friday, December 2, 2011

you know it's December

You know it's December when....

~My grandparent's antique Christmas decorations sit on my coffee table.~

~The Festival of Trees comes to town and ice sculptures line the walkways.~

~My boys spend hours playing games they haven't played all year.~

My puddle jumping boots sit forgotten on my deck, 
 filled with frozen puddle water and wondering why they weren't properly put away.

~Our Nativity Set sits on my window sill.~

Kids offer to bake and use  ingredients not normally used any other time of the year.

~Hot apple cider with special (spiced rum) ingredients.~

I walk around with tape in my hair from wrestling with the 
wrapping paper and tape dispenser.

Hearing the annoying squeak from this plastic santa - 
that I used to run around with and squeak when I was a kid.

Moments just sitting  enjoying the quiet and lights,
 being thankful that the busy-ness of fall/winter activities has come to an 
end for a few weeks.

Wishing you all a wonderful first "December Weekend"!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Beautiful pics! But that gift! Your wrapping looks great. Waaaaay better than what I produce!

jodie said...

Oh this is totally making me excited to go get our tree tomorrow and testify our home!! Luv ya!!

jodie said...

ok i didn't mean testify -i meant FESTIFY(that is what I get for making up a word)

Anne said...

Love your decorations! Have a fabulous weekend:)

Leah J. Utas said...

We had similar Christmas decorations. Brings back some fine memories.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Beautiful post and absolutely gorgeous pictures!

Farm Girl said...

Lovely photos. I wish the same for you. It all looks so beautiful today.

TexWisGirl said...

a great holiday 'feel' post! love the puddle-jumpers now frozen! :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Dawn I was starting to wonder about the Christmas season it is pouring rain and green green here.I then went to my mailbox and opened the most special Christmas cards with beautiful photos and yes I would love to have tea with you someday.
I then read this post and it filled my heart with Christmas cheer. Thanks Dawn it feels like the season now. Love the boots in the snow I was wearing mine in mud over my ankles this morning. OH CANADA. :) B

Meg said...

Gosh, you've been busy already! Such pretty pictures. Alas, I will not be enjoy "special ingredient" cider this year. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Love this time of year!

Anonymous said...

Sorry that comment was from me..


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like all the pics...looks so cozy for winter (except the ice sculpture makes me freeze) but ice is pretty to look at.

Cat said...

such a beautiful time of year
as Elvis said...why can't everyday be like Christmas???

I feel a little sad for your puddle boats ; )

Love and Light

Allison said...

Such a cozy post, Dawn. I was just in a slump and you picked me up. xo

Leenie said...

Oh, crap! Now you've got me a mushy inside for Christmas ornaments and stuff. I guess now we'll have to go up in the attic and drag out all those goods we put away just eleven months ago A-GAIN.

Those ice sculptures are super-cool!

Great post! Wonderful photos!

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well... Despite the heat, the Christmas beetles and the lack of snow, your post made me feel vaguely Christmasy...

Out on the prairie said...

MmMMM those cookies look heavenly.Lovely set of pics, looks like someone made your Nativity.

Michelle said...

Everything looks so great at your house!!!! Can I come over?

Anonymous said...

I loved this post & photos!

Deb said...

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....beautiful photos...

Aimee said...

Those are all reasons why I love Christmas so much! I hope you have a great weekend!

Liesl said...

Hi Dawn,just loved this post! We normally have the hottest weather of the year around Christmas time and also spend as much time as possible inside under the air conditioner! Loved the pic of those lonesome boots! Those antique decorations is a huge treasure!

Nancy said...

Gorgeous photography, Dawn. Remind me very much of my Christmas's at my parents -- love!!

trump said...

And your bank account somehow gets just a little lower than normal. Id rather have a home made Christmas gift now when possible, its more of the little things with me now. Richard

Unknown said...

A nice weekend to you also Dawn.

sage said...

Great photos, Dawn. May you have a wonderful holiday season!

Clint said...

You've captured the spirit of the holidays so well. Love the pics!

Hilary said...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in your neck of the woods. Delicious shots. I love the perspective of the cookies and the game pieces. Top notch!

floweringmama said...

Merry Christmas! Loved the pictures. I've always wanted to see an ice sculpture!

Carole Barkett said...

How wonderful that you have such decorations still in the box. Great Christmas memories and photos.

Full-On-Forward said...

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful Nostalgic and Modern post at the same time! I guess I won't rub it in that's it's gonna be almost 70 the next two days!

Merry Christmas Dawn, to You and yours!



Peter said...

A real heartwarming series. Makes me want Sydney to snow.

Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous shots that really sum up Christmas!

variety tree said...

why don't you just feed the rubber santa to your dogs?

Tim said...

The ice sculptures must be fantastic to see in person and the cookies look delicious!

Randy said...

It looks like you had a great weekend. I love antique ornaments!

Ruby said...

A very warm post and great pictures! :)

Reena said...

Beautiful series of photos and why is it that they pull out the games only in December???

trump said...

The last bunch of years I've been using plastic ornaments, but there's no substitute for the classic glass ones. I love those cookies in this post as well. Richard

bon bon said...

i love your vintage pieces! and the ice tree is amazing! how can i get one for my yard? ha!

Alan said...

Well I'd love to say it's just like that in my home, but.... stunning photographs!