
puzzle pieces

Thursday, March 21, 2013

tonight's sunset

It's the second day of  Spring- 
and we received more snow in the last 20 hours than what has fallen 
over the last few months combined.

The day has been white....no distinction between landscape and horizon lines....snow falling and landing and building up around everything.

Yet for some reason, the sun chose to shine right before it set.
And I caught it.
Driving home from Hockey Awards Night, I stopped (precariously on icy/snow roads), and 
snapped this up.

Now I have sunshine to take me into the 3rd day of spring...even if it's white again tomorrow.

Hope lies under it all somewhere.

To hope is to risk pain.
To try is to risk failure.
To give is to risk being turned away.

And yet,  one could say that the greatest tragedy in life~ is to risk nothing.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Dawn WOW it is incredibly beautiful. It is still white here too. Love the colours. Enjoy the white I am sure it will change soon. Love Canada this year it finally looks and feels like the great white North:) Hug B

Out on the prairie said...

lovely colors,we have a threat with one more storm.

TexWisGirl said...

that is LOVELY!

mountain mama said...


sage said...

Wow, that must be a real hammering of snow. We had more snow than last winter, but still not enough for me to enjoy winter as much as I'd like. Lovely photo!

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! That is one beautiful photograph!

Red said...

Great photo to go along with a poetic description.

Allison said...

Wow. I love sunsets out on open land. Hugs to you, Dawn!

Unknown said...

Well stated and a tough reminder!