
puzzle pieces

Friday, May 27, 2011

Their Past to My Present

{And as I scan my laundry room over this morning....
I am MOST grateful to the 'forefather' who invented my washing machine.}

In my books-
best (present) invention.



Leah J. Utas said...

We have it pretty good these days.

penny said...

Hi Dawn, beautiful shot.. I love and miss the country scene.
I too am in awe of todays technology and love it.

be happy and well,

Out on the prairie said...

I can remeber having a ringer washer that instead of spin you ran them through a set of rollers.We all liked helping my mom.I have the largest washer they make, it saves me lots of effort.

TexWisGirl said...

washers are good. microwaves are better in my book! ha!

Jo said...

Gees. There are so many things that I can't imagine having to live without. We really don't take the time to realize how blessed we are.

Allison said...

I used to be SO in love with the "olden days" ... until I became a mom, that is. Ahem.

Can you imagine washing by hand for a family of six? Baking ALL our bread? Growing ALL our food? Sewing ALL our clothes. Oh my gosh. I'm hyperventilating. I may go back to wishing for the simpler life one day (and you KNOW what a hypocrite I am because I just posted about that TODAY)... but I'll keep my household appliances, if you please. :)

Samantha said...

I never understood my grandmother's raised eyebrows when I sighed over the "olden days"..until I grew up and started keeping house!
She had nine children...I just can't imagine!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

It's mind boggling to think how difficult life must have been in the past. Thank God I was born when I was!

Bev said...

Funny..in the shower this morning..I thought about people not having a shower... and I think the best invention was plumbing......
Love the picture!...You are GREAT!

Liesl said...

You do realize this is what they will say of us in sixty years or so!! Have a great weekend Dawn!

Tracy said...

Yes, even in our most difficult days we have it pretty easy! I have to agree..best invention? ohhh, not certain what I'd declare mine to be~ perhaps the microwave?

Clint said...

I mostly agree that modern conveniences make our lives easier. Butmuch of the new communications advancements have begun to destroy our ability to relate to each other one-on-one. We text, watch TV, play video games, etc, but we don't get together and actually relate.

Another thought---for each advancement of any kind, we lose something in its place. For example---the old style washing machines used far less water and no electricity. Modern clothes dryers are not eco-friendly like clotheslines were.

Have a great weekend!

Saz said...

Nice shot! I can imagine just how helpful that would be!

bon bon said...

i do love to travel, so it's fantastic knowing one can just get on a plane and go anywhere. my ancestors got on a ship and traveled for 2-3 weeks changing their whole lives' courses. i've wondered if i would be that brave.

Janie said...

Nice shot of the old wagon/machinery. I love to find bits of the past like that. Thinking of how people lived even 100 years ago really makes me appreciate all of the conveniences that we enjoy. Including washing machines!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh yes you know I agree with you on this point I write about how lucky we are constantly. People should never forget just how much pain and work it took for our country to get to where we are today. Thank you to our hardworking ancestors who gave up so much for us to live like we do. B

Buttons Thoughts said...

Dawn I forgot to say I love this shot. B

Anonymous said...

agreed...the washer and dryer...awesome inventions!!!!

love and light

sage said...

I like old farm photos... as for a washing machine, it does beat beating the clothes on a rock!

Robin said...

Beautiful, simple shot. I love those farm-life pics. Helps with the vicarious living.

Farm Girl said...

Washing machines and flush toilets.
So glad I don't have to go to the outhouse. :)
I am thankful for those hardy souls that have made my life better. :)

Jack said...

We have it good in so many ways and most of us probably just think it is our due.

Leontien said...

hahaha yep were a lucky bunch!


Alan said...

The day they invent an automated iron is the day I die happy:-)

Alan said...

Although I'd like to get a few years' benefit from the invention first, clearly...

Lynette Jacobs said...

I SO agree...just imagine us handwashing those loads.

darlin said...

Dawn I LOVE your photo! The technology today amazes me still, I can't get over how I can click "send" and have a message clear across the world within seconds. We used to have a party line on the farm, the neighbors could listen in any time they chose to our conversations and today I get upset when I get junk mail... like seriously now! lol Have a fantastic weekend!

Full-On-Forward said...


Well said and beautiful shot to frame the words!


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I think of this subject often! How tough the forefathers had...

lilabraga said...

I mostly agree that modern conveniences make our lives easier...Thanks God!!!:)

Tim said...

We have it pretty good these days; but there is also something nostalgic about the past.

Deb said...

we sure have it alot easier than our great grandmothers had it...

Debbie said...

beautiful shot.....

things are a lot easier now but we seem to have less time. sometimes i feel like i have techno overload.

i often dream of a simplier life!!

Rick said...

First of all, THAT's a great shot, Dawn - love the perspective and the contrast with the (soon-to-be-green) grass - and what a gorgeous sky !

And yes, it's sometimes tough to imagine what life was like before all these wonderful inventions. Always amazes me to think you can cross Canada in a matter of hours ! Tell that to someone from the 1800's.

Joe said...

Great post. It's really sad that we've lost so much of what are forefathers could and knew how to do. SO many kids today think food :comes from a store :(.

LBB said...

Dishwasher, washing machine...the list could go on & on! So happy for them!! :D

Ransick said...

Great pic! I agree we are lucky (and spoiled). We do take lectricity, air conditioning, plumbing, washing machines and dish washers etc for granted (at least I do).

German Banchio said...

Great post! It's amazing how something so simple as the object of a pic can inspire such thoughts...
Greetings from Rosario, Argentina.

GardenOfDaisies said...

So much has changed, just in my lifetime. I agree, that our forefathers and mothers were amazing people to do the things they did. And I know that any hardships I endure today are nothing by comparison. Thank goodness for washing machines! (I used a ringer washer once, and it was sorta fun, because it was a new adventure. But we lost a lot of buttons, that then had to be resewn. No fun if you had to do that every week. )

Hope said...

thanks for posting a reminder to appreciate our ancestors and the inventions that led up to our lifestyle today

we are forefathers too...what are we leaving behind for the next generations?

enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Me too! but when I look around and see what our governments are doing to us these days, I feel amazed too but the bad way.

Nice shot!

Randy said...

Great shot. Imagine if we had to go back to that way of life.

Val said...

Lovely photo and three cheers for the washing machine and coffee maker ; )))

Homeschool on the Croft said...

What a beautiful photo...

I so often think of the hundreds of 'my' people (Scots from the Outer Hebrides) who left to go to Canada. I've posted before about my mum's aunt, who left here (Isle of Lewis) on the SS Metegama in 1923. She died in Vancouver of TB shortly after that, but we still have relatives in BC and in Ontario. Your country is such a wonderful country, and so many of our forefathers helped make it what it is today.
Don't really know why I began telling that.... just that you mentioned how hard it was for so many people in past generations. I'm in constant awe of them...