
puzzle pieces

Friday, May 6, 2011

Seeing is believing....

the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen."

~Somehow it's just so much 
easier to believe in something 
when you see it.~

(guess you could say I'm lacking in the Faith Department....)


Buttons Thoughts said...

Yeah Spring I knew you would get it eventually. Beautiful shots. Enjoy your weekend. B

Nancy said...

Hey, I'm a "I'll believe it when I see it" kinda gal. No apologies. :)

Love your photos -- I see your peonies are making a valiant attempt to push through the dirt.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

THANK GOODNESS! I've been a little worried that spring forgot about you up there!

Deb said...


Judy said...

Woohoo!!! We found a Kildeers nest the other day and I felt the same way. I felt spring was officially here.

sage said...

I don't think you're lacking in the faith dept... Nice shots, glad spring is arriving there. Here, the May Apples are up! I need to get a photo of them.

Leah J. Utas said...

Robin's eggs. Yay!

becky said...

It looks like spring has finally sprung! The nest & eggs are soooooo cute. I love the new growth of spring!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Great photos as usual. There is something so amazing about Robin's eggs. I guess it must be the color. Another one of nature's wonders. Have a great Mother's Day.

TexWisGirl said...

the doubting dawn, er thomas, syndrome... :)

Jo said...

I'm doing a little hallelujah chorus for you right now! So glad spring has finally made it to you. It must have went through the mail, it took so long.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice to see the progression, lovely pics and thoughts Dawn.I am about 3 weeks ahead of you. I am going to a tulip festival again today in Pella, Iowa.

Meg said...

Yay! I'm so glad you have spring! What is that poking up out of the ground?

Hi Kooky said...

I think God gives us some visuals to help our faith along. :) Aren't those eggs a magnificent blue?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love spring as I keep repeating...I try to have faith

darlin said...

Dawn after this long, cold, never ending winter we've had it's no wonder that it's hard to keep the faith. I love the blue eggs, they're so pretty and a sure sign of spring. Thank you for restoring my faith. This morning I awoke to street cleaners, a much better sound than graders! Have a fantastic weekend!

bon bon said...

yay!! those who lack the change of seasons just don't understand our rejoicing. ;o)

LBB said...

I posted such a similar nest photo today as well! Mine only has 2eggs :(
So HAPPY to see your signs of spring!!Hooray!!

Paul C said...

Wonderful photography. Glorious spring will truly burst wide open one of these days. Today I noticed that our trees are beginning to cast shade. The buds have opened in southern Ontario.

heather said...

look at those eggs! that is such a beautiful picture!

Ransick said...

Beautiful pics! Are you ready for your first half marathon?

wayne15575 said...

What a lovely set of robin eggs. Great camera work as always sweet lady. Thanks again for sharing with us.

Saz said...

Wow, what beautiful eggs! I love the colour of them! I also love your other photo's.

I love the quote you used, I've heard that in a song I have on my ipod. I listen to it when I need some sort of inspiration.

Rambling said...

Love the eggs - so beautiful! I hope the magpies won't get them.

Hope said...

perfect post! love the sights of spring!
have a good weekend, Dawn!

Jack said...

It is coming, Dawn. Honest. It is coming.

Tammy said...

Yeah!!! Enjoy :-)

Liesl said...

Everytime I see those beautiful blue eggs,my heart soares! Can the sight of blue eggs do that Dawn??? The birds know best about the seasons!

Regina said...

How wonderful! Enjoy springtime!
And happy weekend.

Tracy said...

I think faith is fluid...some things I have a great deal of faith in; like the resilience of people but other things; like the government, I have no faith in!
I love the robin's eggs; how sweet!
Happy Spring to you AND happy Mother's Day!

Lowell said...

Believing in something for which there is utterly no evidence is probably not too smart in the long run...and "faith" is overrated, methinks.

Nothing like real things you can touch and feel and "know" that spring has sprung!

Have a great weekend!

Alan said...

You may be lacking in the faith department, but you're positively brimming with the knack of storytelling. Are you Irish?:-)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful quote to go with these utterly magical photos!

Anonymous said...

It is May only once a year

Beautiful photos!

Barbie said...

i am so happy that you have some warmer weather finally making its appearance for you Dawn.

Simple Home said...

Your spring photos are beautiful. So different here, we're already in full bloom, but it will be hot before we know it :-)

mountain mama said...

well, i know what you are doing today...i hope it's a great day none the less.

love the spring shots!

God bless~

Randy said...

I really love the photo of the nest and eggs.

Hilary said...

It's about time, too! Love those robin's eggs.

Janie said...

Yes, it's so good to see the evidence. Love the robin's egg blue.

Pat Tillett said...

I'm darn happy to say that is always pretty "springlike" where I live. LOVE your photos! Enjoy the good weather!

Tim said...

Beautiful photos! And it is so good to see and feel spring around us!

Allison said...

Those eggs!!! I love the color. Love it! What a beautiful post, Dawn.