
puzzle pieces

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the farmer...and his field

For hours yesterday morning,
a thunder and lightning storm sat above our heads....not wanting to move.
It left us with almost 4 inches of rain (according to the rain gage),
and it left flooded fields in its wake,
overflowing ditches, and washed out roads.

So when THIS field was brought to my attention just a couple miles down the road-

....I couldn't resist.
I HAD to kayak down the new river which now snaked its way across the canola  field.
The Farmer gave in to my seemingly ridiculous idea, and loaded the kayaks.

Ben came along to try it out, but after seeing the whirlpools of water and listening to the rush of it all as it torpedoed out of the culverts, decided to hang back and be our photographer.

The Farmer~ about to enter his field in a way he had never done before.
Forget trucks, tractors, seeders, sprayers, or combines.
This time- it was a kayak.

And we were off. 
Into an unknown and unheard of adventure....
paddling forward to see what was around the next corner.

{I'm thinking- 

What followed was a very fast and pretty sweet kayak.
Oh I WISH I would have been daring enough to bring the camera through that canola river jungle.
It was beautiful, surrounded on all sides by millions of canola flowers.
And even though there is actually a river flowing through Farmer's field now....
it was a nice thought to think we were making the best of it.

We hit whirlpools of water, which- 
when we hit them head on, resulted in water pouring in over the front of the kayak.
I don't think I've ever been doused with water like that while kayaking.
(Who would of thought it would happen in a canola field.)

Of course...we had to bail out before we hit the actual creek.
It's so high now and supposedly quite dangerous with the logs, trees, and whirlpools.
(As much as I insisted to try it out- I guess I don't know my creeks and dangers of;)

We dragged our kayaks out of the water, and hiked our way back to semi-drier ground.
Considering we were hauling 2 kayaks through soft mud, and having to battle 4 foot stalks of canola,
I think it was one of the prettiest hikes I've ventures out on.

It was probably the best way to make lemonades out of (raining) lemons.
And so much fun....

I just had to go one more round.

Definitely tops the list for 
~Best Field Adventure~


TexWisGirl said...

oh, you are crazy, girl! and glad your hubby is just as crazy as you are, obviously! what a unique thrill in your own backyard! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh what fun! I wish I could've given it a whirl. :-)

Debbie said...

dawn...i am going kayaking. you have inspired me & i am doing it. stay tuned, i am ready for the adventure of a lifetime!!!

Melissa Jo said...

Oh that looks like a complete blast!

Aimee said...

That is so awesome that you were able to do it! That field looks so beautiful! What fun!

Farm Girl said...

I do think it looks like so much fun and the fields are just beautiful. Such an incredible memory so glad you took pictures.

Ransick said...

wow, that looks amazing! Great idea!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow your Farmer really knows how to make a girl happy. This looks exciting and beautiful I am sorry about the damage but there is something fascinating about freak weather and how people deal with it. I think you made the best of a bad situation for most.
Too bad we cannot send some of your weather farther south.
Great post I enjoyed the ride also. B

Meg said...

How cool is that! Talk about a very unique experience. :)

Bev said...

Oh my!! That is so cool...wish dad could see...he is off looking for gold...so he can show one of his GS's....thanks for the post! We have rain - cloud- cool...so we're in same boat..(well ours is a bit nicer?) xoxo

Tammy said...

It's not everyone who can say they went kayaking in a canola field :)

Looks like good fun!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

No way!!! How did that idea ever pop into your head? I love it. What a beautiful field and I especially love that last picture. This made me smile...what a sight you 2 must have been! :)

Anonymous said...

so fun!
good for you adventure girl!
that's my new name for you I think....Adventure Girl

love and light

Lowell said...

That is just too funny! Can I go with you to the Canola fields?

I do admire your adventurous spirit and your inherent bravery!

Out on the prairie said...

What a great trip to explore.I wondered if he had paddled before. One of the best rivers for fall is best taken in floods here. Now you might have to walk.We always hit it as kids and it is the first I hit every year just about.Did 54 miles today in a little over four hours biking.Nice to draft with the pack.

Anonymous said...


gracias por mostrar tu bella tierra. muy bonito todas las tomas.me agrada porque eres deportiva , sin miramiento , polifacetica.. abrazos.

Allison said...

Wow! And right in your own backyard! What a great adventure, Dawn. Just my kind of thing!

Samantha said...

That looks completely FUN!

mountain mama said...

i must come and visit you sometime! :)

Alan said...

"I'm thinking - canola"... you're HILARIOUS! It's not often that I'm jealous of other people's experiences, but I am green with envy right now! Think I need a cider while I wait for said envy to subside:-)

Homeschool on the Croft said...

That was fabulous.... and I only read it! Good for you for grabbing the adventure :)

Anonymous said...

What a serendipitous adventure! I love the photo of the two of you walking back with kayaks. What amazing colours!

Unknown said...

Now that looks like the best idea ever! What fun! I'd go twice too! : )


Leah J. Utas said...

Good for you for finding the fun side.
As an old farm girl I was saddened and horrified by the amount of water in the field 'cuz I know exactly what it means, but still, it looks like you had a blast.

Gail said...

Absolutely amazing!!! I would have loved that but I have no kayak.

Deb said...

so thats what rain looks like...what an adventure...

Reena said...

That looked like so much fun! So much fun!

beth said...

that looked like it was so much fun !!!
wow, thanks for taking us with you on this ride...and we got to stay dry :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

It sounds like fun but we always think storm waters in Georgia are dangerous? I am glad you enjoyed your ride with no harm....

Jack said...

And of course the farmer just happens to be a hunk . . .

Michelle said...

How cool is that?! It looks like so much fun.

darlin said...

That's fantastic that you had the farmer in on the fun, what did he think of this adventure?

Zuly said...

¡Qué lugar tan lindo!
Debe ser divertido hacer kayak ahí.
¡Qué aventura!

Un abrazo,

Zuly Castillo

Randy said...

What a great way to spend the day. I really love these shots.

Janie said...

Ha, great way to find adventure.
The pictures of floating through yellow flowers are very pretty. Hope the canola harvest isn't ruined by all that rain.

Fresh Garden said...

Wonderful! Terrific! Fun!

Slamdunk said...

Wow, great shots.

Who would have thought such an adventure would be there temporarily in your neighborhood. The power of water never ceases to amaze me.

Peter said...

Amazing adventure - not many people would be rushing out to kayak in the canola fields, one for the book.!

Changes in the wind said...

You my dear are what women dream of being....love your adventurous spirit and that you have a partner to share it with.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kayaking in an unknown stream is adventurous as well as dangerous. Simply awesome vast canola field there out. Hope it was fun and fantastic kayak! Hehe..

Glad to be here dawn :)

bon bon said...

haha!! always looking for adventure, aren't you?! what a fun ride and unique setting! nice of the farmer to oblige you guys.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a terrific adventure! I'm so glad you have photos to prove it really happened. :))

Anonymous said...

What a great adventure! Such lovely shots too.

Lynette Jacobs said...

More proof...that life is one big adventure.

Hilary said...

What a super adventure. I never would have thought to do that.. then again I don't own any kayaks.;) Very cool. And lovely shots.

Joe said...

Now that's making the best of an opportunity.

Tim said...

Beautiful! It looks like fun even if it was a bit too much rain.

Brandy Marie said...

Definitely from lemons to lemonade. What an awesome idea! Looks like you all had an amazing time kayaking in a field. :) Not many can say that!! :) _B

nicole said...

that is awesomeness in a canola field if i ever saw it.

i kinda lost touch for a wee bit...looks like you are having a grand summer adventure.

trump said...

Looking forward to you getting back on your blog Dawn. Richard

Sy said...

these are amazing Dawn! What an awesome adventure that must have been

Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS! Why let water and fun go to waste! Wooo hooo, what a neat ride it must have been.

Pauline said...

Well, I knew canola (oil) was good for you but not quite in that way! What an amazing post!

Bossy Betty said...

How fun!!

Congrats on your POTW!