
puzzle pieces

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jungle View

The rain has been so generous as of late~
it's inspired these Fun*Guys
to take up residence in my yard.


Alan said...

They look big! Bet there's not Mush*Room left for the grass to grow:-)

Can't believe I'm first to comment on a post of yours. I'm normally in the 40's somewhere!

Dani said...

Great shot. Love the colors.

Out on the prairie said...

Looks like a fairy ring maybe. They are a sign of impending fall usually here.

Leah J. Utas said...

Fun Guys. Nice one.

Anonymous said...

We have an area on our hill in the backyard that gets mushroom growth too. Always love photographing them but it's too dry right now. This is a fun shot!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That's a nice looking mushroom!

TexWisGirl said...

lucky you!!! :) he's cute!

Gail said...

Stunning! We are still waiting for rain.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Dawn I like this great shot. I think we are very lucky we are also getting the rain but I still have those 6 fields of hay to get off. I wish we could send some of our rain down to Texwisgirl and Gail. B

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful Rain! and pic....

Samantha said...

No funguys ;) for me..it's too dry!
I can't believe I'm saying that with 90% humidity for days on end..

Really pretty shot.

trump said...

They sure are good eating though. Richard

Rambling said...

We have a bit of a mushroom farm going on too ... wish I knew for sure that they were edible!

Clint said...

Don't eat 'em.

Farm Girl said...

It does look so pretty and green. I have looked and looked at your kayaking pictures. That just looks like such a fun day.

Debbie said...

oooohhhh lucky you!! too much rain = mushrooms!!!

it looks gianormous!!!

Gerreke said...

Beautiful picture Dawn!!!


Zuly said...

Rain is a blessing, I like rainy days. A big hug from Costa Rica,
Zuly Castillo U.

Saz said...

What a gorgeous photo! It looks so peaceful.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

I had a delayed reaction to fun guys - HA! I'm a bit slow. Nice picture, they are beautiful.

Jo said...

FunGuys! Ha ha. Love that. The rain has come in sheets here. Very spotty, leaving extreme humidity in their wake. Hot and humid.
Also, I loved your last post about kayaking through the field. Looked like lots of fun!

Janie said...

The mushrooms are flourishing here, too, in yard and field and forest.
Lovely detail in your photo, Dawn.

Deb said...

great toad stool....

Jack said...

Normally I would be seeing these soon in my yard, too, but we have been having a pretty sunny and dry stretch. Maybe once the weather turns.

bon bon said...

can't help but think of the caterpillar from alice in wonderland when i see mushrooms at this angle. :oD

darlin said...

How did you get such a clear shot of the mushroom? Maybe you have bigger mushrooms in the country than the ones I have adorning my lawn?? The ones here are brown, or the ones that were here, after piling all of the materials for the fencing on the lawn I don't see any more mushrooms... funny how that works eh? lol I love your photo!

trump said...

That's it, I'm having Mushroom soup this week, and yes i know its hot,lol. Richard

Randy said...

Wow. I don't think I have ever seen one so big. Bet it makes a great bug umbrella.

Brian King said...

What a great close-up, Dawn! Nicely done! It would take quite a bit more moisture than what we've had lately to see those in my lawn.

Tim said...

I love mushroom and fungi photos; but my wife somehow cannot see anything attractive in them.

this free bird said...

I found some of those in the recesses of my lavender plant the other day. I'm thinking this is not a good thing, however. eeps!


Ransick said...

really cool photo? Did you lay in the grass to get that angle?

Brandy Marie said...

Aw cute!! Hope they dont take over too much :) _B

Peter said...

Must have got down low for such a great close up. Looks tasty.

Rick said...

You can keep the Fun*Guys but we'll take a couple of days of rain off your hands !