
puzzle pieces

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This and That

~one of my most favorite Autumn captures~
Jasper, Alberta, CANADA

A couple days ago I was tagged by MizNovember to 
answer the following questions:

1. What scent always makes you happy?  
Definitely the smell of baking cookies when I walk in the door. My kids are always baking! (And right now....it would have to be the smell of leaves on a sunny day!)

2. What is your favorite mistake? {like the Sheryl Crow song}
Hmmmm...I would have to say one of my kids that wasn't exactly planned:)

3. If I could change a physical attribute magically... 
DEFINITELY my legs! It would be nice to have 2 extra inches so I didn't always have to look for "short jeans"...(they nicely try to call them "petite" sizes....I just say call it what it is- SHORT.)

4. Is there one food that you could eat every single day and never tire of?
Of course it would be pizza. Greek Pizza. With extra feta. (Of course someone would have to promise me it had no calories before I consumed it on a daily basis:)

5. You just came into some serious money. What is the firstthing you buy?
A plane ticket to Italy.  (Maybe a ONE-WAY ticket.....)

6. When you were a little girl, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A writer! I still have the very first book I ever wrote...I think it was in Grade 3:)

7. You are being granted one talent or skill that you don't already possess. What do you choose?

Hmmmm...this one is hard. I would like so many.
But if only one...I would have to say the skill of keeping my Mouth SHUT.

And on THAT note....check out this blog: BellaRosaBikes
and the article I wrote here on completing my first Triathlon.
I hope one day I can buy one of these: handbuilt bikes to do my Olympic Distance Triathlon:)

Wishing you a HAPPY DAY.....
and just for your information...as I write this... it is 


this free bird said...

Dawn I loved reading this!! I hear you on the "petite" thing. Ankle jean wearers unite!! bahaha

ps-thanks for including the rad Jasper pic!

Jayne said...

Fun meme! Like you, at 5'2" I've accepted that everything will always be a foot too long if I don't get the "Petite" length. :c)

Alli said...

Love learning more about you. I LOVE the baking cookies idea, at 6 in the morning those are sounding like a great breakfast. Also your one-way ticket to Italy is sounding pretty wonderful. Hope you have a beautiful day!

Leah J. Utas said...

Great list. I often have to get the shorter leg lengths, too. Oh, well.

Shayne said...

You and me too - on the short leg thing. I hate that i can never take a pair of pants off the hanger and wear them, always need to shorten them. Such a pain.

and yeah to the feta.

stunning photo too.

TexWisGirl said...

I've accepted my short, stout legs (Ms. Piggy legs I like to call 'em). At least they gave me cute, little stout feet! Ha!

Lynette Jacobs said...

I am with you on the pizza but with extra avo!

LOL! I would love it if I could keep my mouth shut too;-D

Jo said...

Dawn, I love your answers. Especially to #2. As for your stature; every time I see a pic of you I admire your lovely athletic build. I would never have guessed you had to buy short jeans.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

A lovely list, Dawn.
Have a wonderful happy merry lovely and HAPPY HAPPY day! xxxx

Hope said...

Love the questions and answers. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself with us.

Jasper!!!! Love Jasper. My daughter did a dance camp up there two summers ago. Banff is our favorite. We go there every year for our anniversary.

thank you for posting that beautiful scenic shot!
take care

Tiffany Kadani said...

Two extra inches would be amazing! I hate short jeans! And the smell of baking cookies just makes me so happy!

Carole Barkett said...

yes, to baking cookies. Hope the day gives you a reason to smile!

sassyshoediary said...

I'm the same with jeans, workout pants, work pants.... I need petite and short! It annoys me that a lot of workout pants are so darn long!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Mmmmmm. The smell of baking cookies and baking bread...YUM!

Liesl said...

I totally understand the petite thing,buying clothes is a mission, all the dresses I like are way too long and has something at the bottom I don't want to cut off, so I still only own 1 dress at this point in time! Remember me when you go to Italy!

Jordanna said...

I want to go to Italy too! :) And so funny about the short pants... I always have to buy long and said "gosh I wish I was shorter so my pants weren't short!!" haha. We always want what we don't have, right!? :)

Tim said...

Definitely a beautiful fall photo!