
puzzle pieces

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This morning....
I was called to the back door,
 and my son handed me this:

 Two mornings ago....
I opened my eyes to this view:

Every morning...
I start with this:

The 4:30 mornings....
 when I drive to town for my run/swim sessions:

For me....
there's no time during the day when I feel more alive~
 than the morning.

~And YOUR favorite time of day?~


Elizabeth Grimes said...

Amazing. Sounds glorious. I love evenings, making and eating supper with Eddie.

Gerreke said...

That cappuccino! Oh I like it! Also the last picture.

Meg said...

My favorite time is Not Morning. LOL! I'm so not a morning person, although I am starting to be now that we have kiddos.

A Prelude To... said...

THAT was nice to read <3

Mornings are probably my favorite time, too...but maybe not quite so early as you.
I love a muggy summer morning. Those kind where you know it's going to be smokin' hot, but that first bit when you wake up feels so nice...and drinking coffee on the porch...seeing the kids sleepy tanned faces waking up. Yep...mornings are swell!

Robin said...

Now my only question is: Did you have a particularly rough morning with way too little coffee? Or how else do you explain the duplicate post? I'm definitely not a morning person. No amount of coffee can get me going. Give me evenings any day.

Debbie said...

define morning?!?!?

i am a morning person...just not a 4:30 a.m. morning person.

i love the still, quietness of the mornings....before the world awakens. when the birds are singing and the sun is just starting to rise....

definetly my favorite time of the day!!!

pretty pictures today!!!

Sharon said...

I am a morning person, but my favorite time of the day is when all the work is done.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh I wish, wish, wish I were a morning person, but sadly, I'm not. I 'come alive' when I ought to be going to bed, and then struggle out of bed each morning, later than I'd hoped!
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous

Anonymous said...

I too love mornings and feel cheated if I sleep in too long.

Plus... coffee!!


Jack said...

Dawn, you have a great life. I don't really have a favorite time of day. Many people describe themselves as morning people, or night owls, etc., but I am pretty steady all day long. And I enjoy things I enjoy, no matter when they occur.

Jo said...

I don't come alive until after lunch. I have been up for hours by then, by my brain doesn't seem to fully function until mid-day. And then it really turns on after about 8pm. I am totally backwards.

Deb said...

what a sweet son....I love mornings...

sassyshoediary said...

What simple yet wonderful things!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

What a beautiful gift ...

GardenOfDaisies said...

You have beautiful mornings!! I used to think I was a morning person, but now that hot flashes keep me awake half the night I'm just a grump.

Michelle said...

The evenings are my current favorite. When all is done and I can sit down for a bit.

Rambling said...

Your son has excellent taste. An outstanding lilac!

turtletown said...

I LOVE LOVE the colors in the rainbow photo-
I love sleeping... but don't like going to bed at night - not a good combo for a good morning -

darlin said...

Stunning rainbow shot Dawn! My favorite time of the day is mornings especially out at the farm. I have my me time and time to reflect and start my day out with birds chirping, the sun shining some mornings, and time to spend at the breakfast table with my guy. I cook him breakfast and I sip my tea as we start the day visiting before we head off in our own directions.

Alan said...

My favourite time of day - mealtime... all 6 of them:-) Do I have to add this to the other post as well?

Allison said...

I love the dawn, but not necessarily the mornings. :) Like you, I run and drink coffee, and swoon when my son brings me lilacs. Such a kindred spirit you are!

But my very favorite time of day is around 9 pm, when the children are tucked in bed and I can nestle into my favorite place on the sofa and knit with a glass of wine... followed by oreos and milk before bed. Such is my ritual... and most comfortable nest. Sweet post!

Leah J. Utas said...

I am a morninger myself. Best time of the day.

Out on the prairie said...

I get an early start to avoid the heat this time of year. I wasn't sure but maybe hit the sack aroud 8last night, it was just getting dark.Lovely pics

Kenley said...

I am with you on the Morning thing. Hasnt always been that way, but since I got Promotion and working reasonable hours, most of my days start with a run at around 5am. Getting up at 330 or 4 in order to hydrate and what not. There is nothing like running and watching the sun peek up too. Plus now, you have to with the heat unless you want to turn into a raisin. Take care.

Rosaria Williams said...

Glad you have a warm cappuccino at 4:30 in the morning. Yes, Love and beauty and cappuccino will nurture you.

Anonymous said...

WoW! 4:30am? God bless you... I should do that, too, but, it's 4:30am! YiKeS! LoL! =0

What beautiful images!!! =)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

It was nights but now I am changing to mornings now! It surprises me as I get out of bed and it is real nice:)

Leontien said...

That's all i can say! I just enjoyed your pictures soo much!


Tim said...

My favorite time of day is all the time! Just too bad I can't use all the time each day since our bodies require rest. As always, beautiful pictures!

EG CameraGirl said...

My favourite time of day is morning too. :)

Brian King said...

Beautiful rainbow shot, Dawn! I'm more of a night owl, myself, but mornings in the woods are my favorite.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful gifts. I love the early mornings best too.

Randy said...

5:00 when I am walking out of work and they sky welcomes me with a never ending view of freedom.

Lowell said...

On mornings like today when I play golf, the alarm rings, I fiddle with it a bit only to fall out of bed on the floor, hitting my head on the nightstand.

Struggling to get up, I carefully make my way to the bathroom, generally stubbing one or more toes on the dresser.

If I can get through my morning ablutions without causing deep, bloody gashes in my face, I figure I'm a success.

Next involves finding a golf shirt, shorts, shoes, socks and my golf clubs. I know I left the latter in the garage somewhere.

Ten minutes later I locate them under a pile of old rags and magazines and stick them on my golf cart (which, of course, I forgot to charge which means it is iffy if we'll make it all 18 holes), and take off for the course.

It is only when I hit my first ball into the lake and trip over my tee that I realize I forgot to eat breakfast.

And then someone walks by and cheerily says "Good morning!"



Ransick said...

Love the pictures! I'm not a morning person so when I manage to get up early and get a workout in, it is that much sweeter.

joe64 said...

Dawn, beautiful pics ! Congrats !

I'm definitely not an early bird and need my time with coffee for starting the day. My favorite time is the evening 'til late at night;-)

Greetings from (currently) beautiful virginia on the way back to winnipeg.
