
puzzle pieces

Monday, June 20, 2011

out of proportion

Is it me....
or does anyone else tend to blow things out of proportion?

It's just....
some things seem a bit strange.

(And then things start to bug me and people around me think I'm going crazy.
But I'm SURE what I'm thinking is right.
Sure of it.)

Or am I looking at things all wrong?
Just blowing things out of proportion...

Who knows.
It's Monday after all.

Have a good day....
regardless of how you're seeing things;))


Robin said...

Yes... Just every now and then I do! Like on Saturday night. But not often. Ha!

Judy said...

It's not just you...and when I do that I try to bring myself back into the present.

Tim said...

Sometimes it's fun to see things out of proportion. Great post!

Clint said...

Remember all things in moderation--- even moderation.

Out on the prairie said...

The photos were fun, especially that cat.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Laughing! But I know just what you mean. Hard to keep focused on what's real sometimes.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Trying to stay in perspective:) when out of proportion!

Kenley said...

Love the Cat Photo. Out of proportion is better than not even being in any kind of proportion. But sometimes, I get carried away and act over dramatic. Take care. Love the post.

Unknown said...

Great photographs again Dawn.
have a great week too.

Farm Girl said...

Very cool pictures, they look great.
It is Monday after all. :)

Allison said...

Been there - done that. :D

Meg said...

Oh gosh yes! I try to think I'm getting better as I age (you know, like wine haha!) but then I wonder if it's all in my head again. Oy. I feel ya!

Lowell said...

Oh gawd! You had me laughing out loud. What a great post. I'm not sure about proportions. I think they are all a matter of perspective!

GardenOfDaisies said...

I'm sure the whole rest of the word is crazy and I'm the only sane one! ;-) LOL!!

Tracy said...

Dawn, I think we ALL have a tendency to do that because well, we are human and driven by moods and emotions and feelings...not always a bad thing-just something to be aware of...
I hope your day went well!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Dawn you are so clever. I like this. I blow things out of proportion also. Check tomorrows post. We think the same you and I. B

TexWisGirl said...

oh those are so cute! hope everything's settling back to 'normal' soon (whatever that is!)

bon bon said...

cute head shots!

something you like to poke around in. :oD

Pat Tillett said...

I'll tell you what I'm seeing. A post full of fantastic photos!

sage said...

Great "out of proportion" shots!

darlin said...

Breathe in deeply, exhale, and repeat... It's all going to come together. Who's to say that what or how you view things is the "wrong" way? Maybe the other individuals perception is not matching yours and it's not to say that there has to be one person who's wrong, nor is it to say that one person is right, it just is. My suggestion is to just keep breathing and putting one foot in front of the other and the weekend will be here soon enough! ;-)

A wise person once told me that struggles are a positive thing, we grow from them and without growth what would life look like? BORING if you ask me!

Excellent photos to portray up how you're feeling Dawn.

Jack said...

Very cute, Dawn. It is just you. I don't let things get out of proportion. Much.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I blow things put of proportion all the time. Love your photos and the characters in them!!!

Deb said...

love the photos....great post...

Ransick said...

Yep people blow things out of proportion depending on their perspective, mood and recent experiences. I do too. I stewed about an email sent Friday all weekend and wrote and re-wrote and re-wrote a response until I toned it down to the appropriate level. I want to believe the person that sent it didn't mean for me to take it so personally. I rarely get upset about stupid work politics but the email just rubbed me the wrong way. OK, I'm done venting :-).

Nice pictures as usual. Kind of funny, when I was fishing a couple weeks ago my buddy said "hold the fish way closer to the camera than you are so it looks bigger". :-)

Janie said...

So much depends on perspective, doesn't it? Interesting thought and cute out of proportion photos.

Randy said...

I kept a positive outlook today and it made for a much nicer day. I love this group of photos.

Katie said...

Funny and yes things get blown out of proportion but sometimes we can enjoy it. Great pics!

Full-On-Forward said...

I LOVE you thought process and YES--I've been there--PERSPECTIVE was my word--now I'm gonna steal Proportion!

Great thought provoking post!

Hugs Sweet Lady,


Rick said...

LOL - nice perspective on things ... and life !

Alan said...

Did you take all these pictures? Do you live on some sort of ark?:-)

Awesome photos, each and every one. It can't be you blowing things out of proportion, no way, so that only leaves everyone else!

Val said...

I'm queen of blowing this out of proportion!! Sigh, lol. I love your cat models.

Nancy said...

I think I'm the opposite -- I tend to minimize rather than maximize? Haha!

Love the extreme closeups!

Peter said...

touched a nerve here ... what do the animals think?

Unknown said...

A common trait I think especially as you get older and you're too young to worry about it. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

A Prelude To... said...

that last picture CRACKS. ME. UP!

Tammy said...

haha...sometimes out of proportion is good, like in these fun shots!

LBB said...

LOL! Love this! Thanks for making me smile today :)

MDScaper said...

I try to step back for a moment (or longer!) and put things in perspective before I react. It's then that I realize how small the issue really was.