
puzzle pieces

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Snowman Building Class 101

I don't want to say anything too loudly....but our snow is starting to melt!

Yesterday we decided we had accomplished enough school work by noon, and just had to go outside for Gym Class as the sun kept calling.

~Perfect Snow Man making weather.~

We couldn't stop at just one.
We had to make a yard~full. 
Even the driveway got filled. 
The sunshine and warmth is absolutely lovely.
I almost forgot what it felt like.
And I won't even mind a bit ....if it melts all our men.


Slamdunk said...

I share in your joy for snowmen and for snow melting. Ours disappeared late last week and we are hoping that is it. Still waiting on the sun thoug...

Tim said...

The snowmen are beautiful! But I too am ready for spring time and warmth. :)

TexWisGirl said...

Now THAT'S the kind of gym class I would have enjoyed!!! How cute is that!!!

Jo said...

This is priceless. The driveway takes the cake!

Lowell said...

I doubt that I have ever seen so many cute snowmen in one place at one time.

I have to say, though, I do not miss snow. Too many years in Minnesota!

Unknown said...

I love them. Too bad they can't stay while the rest of the snow goes!


bon bon said...

what fun! calvin and hobbes comes to mind! :o)

Michelle said...

LOVE the driveway full of snowmen!

Nancy said...

That's a lot of work, Dawn. Whew!

And this might be a dumb question, but do you homeschool your kids?

Farm Girl said...

That is so funny! I loved your driveway full of snow men. I laughed and laughed. It looks beautiful with all of that blue sky. I think it was a good day to be finished with school.

Aimee said...

That is hilarious! I LOVE all the different snowmen!

Deb said...

what a fun afternoon...

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Wow, that's a lot of work! What fun, they're adorable. Even if they can't stay around forever, at least you have great pictures where they can live in infamy. :)

Tiggeriffic said...

Oh my goodness~! I love the snowmen...especially the ones in the driveway.. You are right when making snowmen you can't just make one.. I love making snowmen ~!~! Good job~!~!
Have a Tiggeriffic Day~!~! ta ta for now from Iowa:) we have no snow~! better not say that too loudly...

mountain mama said...

wow..that's a lot of snowmen!

{come on spring!!!}

Simple Home said...

Your snow photos are beautiful!
We've had very little snow this year, but Spring has arrived here in our neck of the woods :-)

Judy said...

What an awesome gym class...I love the hockey pucks for the eyes.

Randy said...

I flunked that class this season. Well there's always next season.

LBB said...

I love when it starts to melt just enough to make perfect packing to build a snowman ..or a ton of them!! I love that shot of your driveway! (Did anyone plow over them ? Ha! )

Unknown said...

Beautiful art.

Hilary said...

Ha.. that's adorable. Here's hoping they'll disappear soon.

wayne15575 said...

How cute is that? I love the whole herd of snow people...hahaha
Or should I saw a crowd ? well put together story. Love them all Dawn. Keep up the fantastic blog.

Bev said...

Love those snowmen!

Jordanna said...

Oh my gosh, I am laughing out loud at your driveway of snowmen!! That is SO awesome!! It definitely looks like everyone got their exercise.
Sidenote: look at your pretty blue sky! :)

Barbie said...

Look how many there are. I had a smile from ear to ear.

Eyeliquor 2 said...

I am glad that the white stuff is finally checking out :)
The big photo where the snowman is getting his ray-bans on is cool!
And the pup is not a pup anymore! wow! what a beautiful dog that is!

Joe said...

I'd give the class an A. We're going to be in the 70's here the next couple of days.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL! Your driveway totally cracks me up! Melt, men, melt!

Out on the prairie said...

Beautiful!Thats a lot of wet gloves. I bet they didin't notice having too much fun.

becky said...

Hi Dawn,
I came over to visit from Randy's blog. I LOVE your snowmen! The driveway shot is a classic! Our snow in town melts far too quickly to build them!

Val said...

This is pure joy!!!! Ahh

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow yall are pro's at building snowmen, but great they are melting. (I love spring)

Lynette Jacobs said...

I am so happy for you....we usually find the first cold bite in the air round about Easter...so not looking forward to it.

sage said...

The road of snowmen remind me of an old Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin (the cartoon one) made all these angry looking snowmen and his parents were worried about what kind of psych he needed.

Janie said...

Good job on the snowmen! I agree, one of the best things about snowmen is that it's at least as much fun to watch them melt as it was building them.

A Prelude To... said...

I can't believe you guys did the whole driveway. That was simply AWESOME!

Dani said...

What fun!

Thank you sharing with us.

Allison said...

They're DARLING! Like a little snow army. Methinks my kids would like this much better than their traditional gym class!!

Full-On-Forward said...

Brrrrrrrrrr! And that Snow Dog
looked so Real!

Warm Up Young Lady! Our Pollen count is in the Off the scale high area--heading your way!!!!


Haven said...

awesome site.Thanks a lot.............