
puzzle pieces

Thursday, September 8, 2011

changing view~

Changing       the way you      view 'something'~

can    cause    that     'something' 

to change.


TexWisGirl said...

really great shots - and, as always, the perfect message to go with it. the way you look at the world is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous friend
and absolutely!
you are just so wise♥

love and light

darlin said...

I absolutely love your second shot, is it taken with your Canon? The words are so true, life is about perspective and if we change our attitudes we can change our world. What an amazingly wonderful option to have in life.

Tim said...

How true and how different a perspective!

Kat said...


Clint said...

Great message!...and photograph.

Samantha said...

Lovely shots and message..great post!

Lynette Jacobs said...

I love it!

Debbie said...

nice dawn, you have fabulous insight.

Judy said...

Beautiful shots and your message is so true!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Love it! Hope you're having fun with the new camera. :)

Changes in the wind said...

Great post with lots of truth...

Farm Girl said...

Lovely picture and lovely thoughts as usual. Have a lovely weekend!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Wow! How'd you get that second shot? I love dandelions any which way, but these photos are especially lovely!

Melissa Jo said...

Wow, I absolutely love this! Beautiful job!

Zuly said...

Que belleza!
Feliz fin de semana,
Zuly Castillo U. - COSTA RICA

Saz said...

Wow Dawn. Those are gorgeous. I love the second one, it looks so beautiful. <3

Out on the prairie said...

Very nicely done, I love to play with backlighting.

mountain mama said...

amen! our attitudes, thoughts, approach...just everything really makes a huge difference!!! :D

Buttons Thoughts said...

Incredible. B

Brian King said...

Wow, that second photo really pops! The transparency is great! Nice lighting, Dawn!

Janie said...

Interesting thought, and great photos to illustrate.

Jack said...

Philosopher and photographer are pretty close together, aren't they, Dawn? Excellent.

Ransick said...

Very nice. It usually pays to see other points of view.

BTW, it's about 1900 miles driving to the HIM.

bon bon said...

your whole front page here is full of amazing captures!

hope you have a perfect weekend!

Carole Barkett said...

awesome, love it

Ben said...

Dawn, these are beautiful shots that go very well with wise words. The second pic is very creative in using the position of sunlight that make the dandelion glowing amazingly.

Rick said...

Gorgeous, with wise words. Life is all about how you look at it.

Anonymous said...

Love the halo around the dandelion. Just magical!

Jeff said...

Beautiful pictures, but if that's a halo around a dadelion, well, that just proves how evil can be disguised :)

Joe said...

Nice shot on the last pic!

Allison said...

Wonderful post.

Anonymous said...


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ooh, very nice!

Deb said...

unique...very unique...just like you Dawn...

Alan said...

Like your sentiment, so tried it on my boss. Didn't work.... Nice pics though:-)