
puzzle pieces

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day Back...

Today was the First "Official Day" of school for my boys and I.

As is our custom,
the 1st day of school is spent here...

~~We took our books~~
Really, we did.

We started some reading, 
worked in our Nature Journals,
 and wrote in our Composition Books.

Of course we kicked our shoes off for Gym Class.

The Teachers even got to jump into the lake for a 1.5km swim.

Water like glass.
Surrounded by leaves turning color under a cloudless sky.

I think that the first day back to school 
~is one of our favorite days of the year.


darlin said...

Dawn your photos are amazing! I love the clarity and vivid color. What a fun first day of school, I only wish my first day back tomorrow would be half as much fun... but it won't be, that much I'm sure of! lol

Allison said...

Wonderful. I wish our first day back could have been so poetic and lovely! Vive le Canada!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well I can see why they'd be happy to go back!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Man I wish I had of been able to go to your school. B

Lynette Jacobs said...

Oh what a wonderful life children that are home schooled have. You are one cool teacher.

Gail said...

The photos are fantastic. Wish any of my first days had been this exciting.

Anonymous said...

I'd go back to school too if I could chase birds off the beach during gym class! Very nice pic!!

Ben said...

Wow! what an amazing and fun ways to kick start the first day of school with beautiful and artistic shots ... I like the smooth bokeh that made the yummy apple stand out very well!

TexWisGirl said...

that is fabulous! i think you should be featured in Homeschoolers R Us as inspiration for all! :)

Lap Dog Knits said...

Do you have room for an older student???
Say someone in her 50's?
A wonderful series of photos!

mountain mama said...

hmm...that sounds like one of our school days, can't say it looks like it though!

{charlotte mason?}

you're one cool mama!

Judy said...

My kids would love to have gone to your school...Your first day is way more exciting than theirs ever was.

Nancy said...

This is my kinda school. But I doubt I would get much work done.

Love the action shots -- :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This is a great way to have fun the first day of school!

A Prelude To... said...

Our first day back wasn't quite that poetic. But it happened...and for that I'm grateful :p

Slamdunk said...

Fantastic Dawn. I could learn a lot from your first day of school outing.

Farm Girl said...

Well gee my kids would love the first day of school like that too.
What a beautiful day.
You are so awesome!!!

Debbie said...

if i went to your school, i would have never cut class!!

wonderful photo's dawn, looks like an amazing start to the year!! your children are very lucky to have you!!

this teaches them to love learning and that my friend is a great gift!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really rough day back! Why can't every school day be like this

Out on the prairie said...

a delightful start of a journey

Alan said...

All that home schooling paid off... Your kids obviously know how to spec an ace camera! Kudos to the eye behind the lens too. Fabulous photography!

By the way, WHOSE flip flops are THOSE??:-)

Jack said...

It isn't the way I remember the first day of school. Nice images, as always.

Tammy said...

Boy, school was never like that for me :/

You're a good mom :)

Michelle said...

Looks like a great way to kick off the school year :)

Deb said...

that is an awesome first day of school...

Randy said...

Now that is what I call school! Nice shots, must be a new camera.

Ransick said...

Looks like a fabulous first day back! Way to make it fun and thanks for sharing the pictures with us!

Carole Barkett said...

I home schooled my last two and you'll never regret it. Lucky kids

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos, Dawn! I wish I had gone to a school like that! :-)

Anonymous said...

I wish all classrooms looked as stunning as that!

Kalyan said...

simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

LBB said...

Don't let my kids see this....or we'll be moving to Canada!

Tim said...

Looks like a fun time and I really liked that photo of the apple.

Rick said...

School - the way it's meant to be !! I'm sure you'll keep it this enjoyable and educational all year long !

Joe said...

Gym class was always my favorite class ;). lol!