
puzzle pieces

Saturday, September 17, 2011

my country life

I do believe I am finally coming to terms with this 
country life of mine.

I'm settling in to the routine of the irony~ 
of slower yet busier days.

I'm starting to realize~
that beauty can come in all forms.

I've found ways to outsmart and dodge~
 the dust of the roads while I run

I've managed to grow the ability~
 to laugh in the face of small town rumor and gossip.

Instead of shuddering when the coyotes begin howling~
I listen to the sound as though it's a song being played.

I've learned that weeds can ~and will~ grow, 
regardless of what you do.

I am learning to work with adversity~
and not against it.

Most importantly I have come to terms with the fact that,
 no matter where I am planted~ 

I can grow.

I just have to be willing~ 
regardless of where life is at,
or where I am in it.

~this country life of mine~


Elizabeth Grimes said...

This post was perfection. The photos, the wisdom, the writing. Beautiful. I'm still waiting for my coffee table book of your blog. :)

Leah J. Utas said...

That was wonderful, and so beautifully expressed.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful, dawn. your images are perfect accompaniments to your thoughts. i am glad to hear the 'dust' is settling a bit on your life, and maybe your heart is finding a bit of peace and contentment too. thanks for sharing with us.

CountryDreaming said...

Wow ... Sounds like you live where I'd like to live. Beautiful. Maybe I could do without the coyotes though. That would be the one thing that would take some getting used to in my case, methinks. The rest of it? What you describe seems as picture perfect as your pictures. Awesome post. :-)

Zuly said...

What beautiful pictures ... are yours? Beautiful reflection!
I really like your blog. Be a little English and I translate what I do not understand :-)
A big hug from Costa Rica,
Zuly Castillo U.

Full-On-Forward said...

All I can do is to Cyber HUG you for a perfect post!

And if your Camera ever comes up stolen--well I don't know anything about it!




Anonymous said...

I do believe you are right ... And extremely grateful for the camera you received from your kids so that we can enjoy your country life with you, through your eyes...

Hilary said...

Such lovely sentiments and images. You wear your country life so well.

Lynette Jacobs said...

Country...the best place to raise kids.

penny said...

I enjoyed your beautiful thought and photos, Dawn.

be Happy and well,

Buttons Thoughts said...

Beautiful words and photos Dawn I know exactly how you feel. Welcome to my world. OK except for the running thing:) B

Samantha said...

Absolutely LOVED this post..it was perfect.
Country life isn't for sissies, that's for certain ;)

carmilevy said...

...which makes me wonder why the planet seems to be urbanizing at an ever faster rate.

What aren't we understanding here?

Gorgeous perspectives, Dawn. How right you are.

Changes in the wind said...

Wisdom with pictures:)

Jo said...

I have always been a country girl. Born and raised. And, really, I think that there is nothing better. Your photos are amazing. You are making great use of that new camera! Keep it up.

Farm Girl said...

Your photos are just amazing and I love your words. It is in the accepting that we finally have peace.

Meg said...

Beautiful pictures!

Liesl said...

Beautifully done Dawn!! You express your thoughts so brilliantly with well chosen photos...

Kat said...


Thank you for sharing.

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! Beautiful words and photos! All of them are great! I guess that bus is a very inviting item for target practice!
Hope your weekend is going well...

mountain mama said...

:) you are a kindred spirit. but one thing we'll never agree on: running for fun.


Out on the prairie said...

Very nicely said, thanks for the good life.

Debbie said...

it sure does look like a beautiful place.

home....it's a feeling, not a place!! i hope you feel it dawn!! you have a beautiful spirit and inspire many, including myself. i am so happy we are friends!!

Ransick said...

Great post Dawn. I'm convinced that if a person can't be happy where they are, they aren't going to be happy anywhere else either.

EG CameraGirl said...

I live in a small town too. :)

Love these photo of the tall grass!

Randy said...

What a wonderful post. I really love that photo of the bus. Great light.

darlin said...

You are so blessed to have the country life Dawn, what I would give to have that in my life full time... one day! Your photos are beautiful and I love your optimism, fantastic post.

wayne15575 said...

Love the life for all it's worth....bless you.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous photos, Dawn! I really like the fence, barns, and bus shots! The lighting in some of the pics is awesome!

Lowell said...

Greetings Dawn!

It is so nice to come back to find this superb post. The pictures are wonderful and you are a poet at heart!

You have a beautiful way of expressing the glory and poignancy of our lived lives.

Ben said...

Awesome country life shots and fully agreed with you ... beauty can come in all forms!

Judy said...

Oh Dawn, I just love, love, love, this post.

Carole Barkett said...

good reminder about attitude for a lot of situations in our life

Unknown said...

What an incredible post! I drove through a small town last night on a 3 hour trip and passed through some small towns. These are precious images!!

Tim said...

Great photos and profound truth!

trump said...

A well done post with great images with a message!. Richard from Amish Stories.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm at a point where I wouldn't have it any other way but the country!

Allison said...

That was a really, truly beautiful post, Dawn. I don't know what to say to it - you said it just right. There is nothing to add. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful photographs.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in a VERY small midwestern town and will never ever go back to that way of life. Gossip,rumors... ugh.

GardenOfDaisies said...

It is so beautiful where you live! But I'm sure there are challenges to living anywhere.

Janie said...

I grew up as an Air Force brat, and I've always been of the opinion that life can be good no matter where you are. It's mostly a choice to accept and love and grow in any particular place.
Well said, and expressed beautifully in your photos, Dawn.

heather said...

i love this so much! it's funny how i long a little for that life i had living (almost) off the grid.

but i keep telling myself, it's not the place. i can be happy anywhere if i just decide to be. part of it is making the decision to be where you are (in my case), and i'm still working on that! every day.

Rick said...

Love your country life shots, and the wisdom in your words. Great post Dawn.

Alan said...

Come to London! Plenty of adversity here for you to work with:-)

Alan said...

PS - your photos... I'm jealous....

Anonymous said...

You sure know how to capture the beauty and awesomeness of Nature
Wonderful new photos to enjoy here Dawn!