Dear 2011,
I write this with mixed feelings.
You were a year filled with many incredible moments and memories.
Moments in which smiles were made, and hearts warmed.
And then on some occasions,
we had to deal with matters beyond our control and just hold on for the best.
During this year of 2011, you have brought to me many adventures.
In racing~ running and triathlon;
I once again raced my oldest in our Sprint Triathlon Annual Adventure.
I ran my 1st Half Marathon while family I truly love, cheered me on.
I nervously signed up for an Olympic distance Triathlon~ and ended up completing 2 plus an Aquathlon.
A 10km Night Race with my oldest, a 5k with all 4 kiddos, and
an absolutely beautiful 29k Mountain Trail Run.....
Who said running can't be a beautiful thing?
During your 365 days here, Change happened.
I saw my oldest writing college entrance exams and registering for his first term of secondary education.
A daughter said goodbye to her home school adventure with me and began attending the local High School.
And I now am experiencing what it's like to only teach 2 kids instead of 4.
Cross~country skiing played a big part in the Long Winter and even longer spring.
Many beach days~~and one cannot forget the trip to the white sandy beaches of the Caribbean.
Oh! And the many miles put on my new road bike??
~absolute bliss.
Friends were made~moments were shared~as was many bottles of good wine.
Moments around bonfires out back roasting marshmallows, and talking into the early hours of the morning...will be cherished.
The memory I have when my kids gave me a new camera and thanked me for teaching them over the years? It still makes me teary.
{The walks with them and the new Canon are pretty special.}
Meeting all of you blogging friends over the past year, has been a major highlight in 2011.
I cannot believe how much I have cherished your letters, emails, and comments,
while I seem to journal away my thoughts in this space.
I am blessed to know each and every one of you.
Not all of your 2011 days were happy ones.
But I learned a lot from those moments.
For that I am grateful.
And I learned that I can still dance in the rain....instead of fighting against the pelting drops.
I do feel a bit of melancholy with you coming to an end, but I am not sad to see you go.
One never likes to say goodbye to a good friend, and that you were.
But I now am looking forward to another year ~
(and I hope you don't take offense, but I hope it's even better than you were).
Filled with more Adventure,
more learning (even if it includes heartache),
and more growth.
Happy Trails to you 2011.
You have brought some beautiful ones into my life this past year.
Thank you.
Yours for this year~ but not for the next,