
puzzle pieces

Thursday, April 14, 2011

just get on with it

The happiest people don't worry too much about whether life is fair or not, they just get on with it.


(note to my fellow bloggers: There are some blogs which I am no longer able to comment on. Not sure why, but it occurs on blogs where word verification pops up after I type in a comment. I'm sorry. I have been trying to comment but to no avail. I'm still looking, and hopefully I can figure it out soon.)


Meg said...

Oooh, I like that quote! Thanks for sharing. :)

LBB said...

Such amazing close ups! I love the quote too :) Great one to live by!

A Prelude To... said...

What kind of bird is that?

Clint said...

Just do it! What a gorgeous bird.

TexWisGirl said...

so did you get a new camera? or did you crop in on your phone shots?!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Beautiful photos and I love the quote. It is so true. B

Melissa A said...

Hi Dawn, Love the up close pictures of this little birdie. Gettin' on with life now. Miss you!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Truly great shots. What's in the mesh bag?

Saz said...

What beautiful shots! I love the bird so much, gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Pretty sharp captures :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth Grimes said...

What a persistant little guy! Great close ups. I do miss your comments! :( Hope it gets worked out soon. So strange that you're having trouble with that. I wish I knew how to help.

Dawn said...

Elizabeth....it's only those blogs with word verification pop ups. I am finding it disheartening.... especially when I don't know email addresses and can't even email:((

Nancy said...

I have the same question -- did you get a new camera? :)

Also, if you use Internet Explorer to comment on blogger, try reseting it. You can do this in Tools, Internet Options, Advanced.

That's what I had to do. Good luck!

Bev said...

What great pictures!!! Whose camera? (I am thinking I need a new camera.....!!)


bon bon said...

looks like you're feeding the little guy snow! ha! great close ups. fun to see all his detail.

GardenOfDaisies said...

These are wonderful photos!! A little Woodpecker or Flicker of some sort. I had trouble leaving a comment on one blog yesterday too. I think it must be something in their settings. I wouldn't want people to think I was ignoring them, but sometimes the comment box just doesn't work the way it's supposed to. (And the e-mail option apparently doesn't work with my server, so I am out of luck.)

Sharon said...

Great snaps, love the little guy!

wayne15575 said...

What a great series Dqwn. I think it looks like a young woodpecker. Am I right? Lovely work. I always look forward to see what's next.

David Barber said...

Great photos, Dawn. Looks like a young woodpecker. God, how nerdy am I becoming!! :-)

Anonymous said...

es hermoso pasar por tu blogs , hay de todo, ejemplos de vida, la naturaleza , tu familia, tu lente que nos lo trasmite. gracias. desde el sur del continente

Inger said...

So true and no wild animal is prone to self-pity.--Inger

Anonymous said...

just get on with it!!!
love that

love and light

Lowell said...

Blogger is strange sometimes.

Love the photos...some things are worth working for, I think.

Re your comment about The Villages...I don't think you'd like living anywhere in The Villages...too many rules and too many people, and not enough of the kind of freedom you enjoy.

I wouldn't live in The Villages, either...too regimented and way too crowded and hectic.

Alan said...

Bet you deliberately made that food net really hard to break into for the benefit of your blog, didn't you...:-)

Only kidding. Great photos as always!

Joe said...

WOW!! Nice shots.

Debbie said...

great shots...i am a bird LOVER, we get lot's of downey woodpeckers here, they are super fun to watch and photograph and they love suet!!!

Hope said...

when i saw your post title I thought you were referring to spring lol!

anyways...great shot's and perfect quote. my mom used to say something of the same.

have you tried to comment on mine since I disabled the word verification? would be interesting to see if you can now.

take care, Dawn!

Hope said...

when i saw your post title I thought you were referring to spring lol!

anyways...great shot's and perfect quote. my mom used to say something of the same.

have you tried to comment on mine since I disabled the word verification? would be interesting to see if you can now.

take care, Dawn!

Randy said...

What a cutie and I love the quote! Funny I am having commenting on blogs that don't have the verification on. I think it's a Google issue. I am still working on it too.

darlin said...

Awesome quote, a must add to my list of quotes! How in the heck did you get so close to this bird? The shots are magnificent. Did you get a new camera? I'm so nosy! lol I hope that this darn snow melts faster than it's coming down, so far not that much luck... I just got in from shoveling. I don't want another letter from the city! LOL Have a great weekend, I'm pretty sure that I'll be posting from Canmore, if not I'll catch up with I get back.

Deb said...

great photos...is it a woodpecker?

sage said...

A downy woodpecker, they are neat birds. I have several of them who love the peanuts I have in one feeder near the kitchen window. Beautiful photos!

considerthelillies said...

those r great pictures! and an inspiring quote!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I agree, and therefore I could be a "happy" person when I am with my camera, at least !

Liesl said...

Those words are so true! Those are amazing close-ups of that bird! Hope you are doing well and so glad to see you do not have any problems commenting on my blog!
xoxo Liesl

You can never take too many pictures said...

Thanks Dawn for your comments...I always look forward to them, Yes those Downy Woodpeckers are so sweet, sometimes it's hard to distinguish between the Hairy and Downy Woodpecker. I find their peaks are different in size and the bodies a bit larger.....

Were do you find your amazing quotes?????

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely shots, i really enjoy the woodpeckers.

Carole Barkett said...

what great close ups of this beautiful little guy

Allison said...

What a cutie pie!

Full-On-Forward said...


Just WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rick said...

Awesome shots, Dawn ! And such a great quote !

btw - to test out your inability to post comments, have you tried using another browser e.g. Firefox or Chrome ? I've also read that IE9 has been having some problems.

Tim said...

Great photos!

Janie said...

Wise words, and great photos of the woodpecker!

Jim said...

Great looking bird.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Jordanna said...

Was my blog one of them? That's not good!